Saturday, June 25, 2011

Open your eyes with passion.

When i wake up in the morning, i delight myself looking at you sleeping serenely with your head on my chest.
I then begin to caress your soft hair with my left hand delicately making gentle waves to avoid waking you.
While feeling the steady rhythms your soft breaths caressing my body, i then await calmly for you gorgeous eyes to open gently one after another, to kiss the tip of your nose and to witness our bedroom shinning while you awake your most delicate morning smile toward me.
Every morning that we awake, i wake up feeling alive and dedicated to love you more then yesterday, but less then tomorrow.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ma vie

After traveling for so many years around the world, i remarked that every cultures, as a well engrave lifestyle, way of living and and search of life are very distinct from one to another.
Love appear to be so different in so many ways depending on a culture, an environmental condition, or an ideology.

               But this Blog today will not be about different ways of loving, but simply about my biggest passion, my lifestyle, my feelings about love.

Some have wonder if love truly exist, if love surround us, if we are met to love or to be love, if the magic of love only reside in fairy tails.
Trough my eyes, love is everywhere, in many shapes, forms and feelings.
Some of the words that i do associate with love are: passionate, perseverance, ideal, romance, infinite, glowing,sadness, happiness, fulfillment, joy of life, etc....

As the days will go by, I will share with all of you some of my passion and feelings about the inside and out of romance. Some will make you smile, some might make you sad, some will make you dreams, and some might make you feel lonely, but in the end, their is always someone that love you in there own way.

Kindly to everyone,
Ma vie.